Es gibt nur wenige lebende Menschen, die sich um Demokratie und Menschenrechte so verdient machen, wie Edward Snowden und sein Sprachrohr Glenn Greenwald. Anlässlich des neuen Buches von Glenn Greenwald – No Place to Hide – und weiterer Neuerscheinungen schreibt Sue Halpern für die New York Review of Books nicht nur eine exzellente Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Erkenntnisse, sondern nimmt Greenwald auch vor amerikanischen Kritikern in Schutz:
This critique of Greenwald’s journalistic ethics from the left is bookended by the one that has come from the right, understandably, and from the center, quite vociferously. Michael Kinsley’s „New York Times“ review of „No Place to Hide“ is emblematic of the illiberal bluster that has moved the debate from the message—the extensive, often arbitrary, and sometimes criminal activities of the United States spying apparatus—to the messenger, with personal attacks on Greenwald for working with Snowden to bring those activities to public scrutiny. In these formulations, Greenwald is a narcissist, a scofflaw, a traitor, a dogmatist, a self-proclaimed ruthless revolutionary, while those who find value in his reporting are, at best, fools.