Who wrote Shakespeare?

Wer zum ersten Mal auf das neue Buch des James Shapiro mit dem Titel Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? stößt, könnte vermuten, es handele sich um einen weiteren Beitrag dieser abstrusen Debatte. Weit gefehlt! Shapiro schrieb ein Buch über die diversen grotesken Theorien um die Autorschaft dieses grandiosen Lebenswerks.

Stanley Wells schrieb für die New York Review of Books eine ausführliche Rezension:

Shapiro’s book is a brilliantly researched, highly readable, thoughtful, and wise contribution to the history of Shakespeare’s reputation. Anyone reading it ought to realize that the story that lies behind the anti-Stratfordian movement is one of irrationality and obsession, of a refusal to consider evidence in favor of conjecture, prejudice, snobbery, and a vain desire to create a stir. I wish I could believe that the arguments rationally and temperately rehearsed in Contested Will would do anything whatever to convert the disbelievers or to discourage potential converts. But I don’t.

Das Buch eben bestellt.

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